How to decorate a black T-Shirt with OBM paper

OBM paper is a new product, which is actually a combination of fabric and glue, because sublimation products can only be used for light-colored non-cotton fabrics, so we created this product,You can use sublimation and OBM together, this product can be transferred to all fabrics,Whether you want to transfer to black clothing or elsewhere, you can achieve it successfully.
Our sizes are divided into sheet and roll.For OBMÂ sublitextile, we have 6 types, tatami, long velvet, short velvet, stain pearlescent and rough pearlescent,different types can achieve different transfer effects, so as to meet the needs of different customers.Among them, the most popular type of customers is tatami, so if you want to ask which one do I recommend the most? I recommend tatami the most, because the customer’s vision is always right.
Many customers will regard OBM as a logo. Of course, our customers can always find more ways to apply it.And our customers can always find more ways to use it. What we advertise is its most basic way of use. If you can find new ones, we are happy to hear.
OBM sublitextile has the following characteristics:
At first, it is resistant to washing and it can be used in colored cotton fabrics or white, and even in colored polyester fabrics.
Second, it does not need hours for drying and it will not fade with time.
Here’s the most basic way to do it:
– Position the fabric in which the OBM will be applied to the heat press.
– Remove the protective paper from the OBM and place it on the fabric to be transferred.
– Carefully position the paper with the sublimatic print on the OBM with the image facing down.
– Press for 40 seconds at 200ºC.
Its operation method is very simple. And the transfer effect is very successful. If you want to watch it first, there are many operation videos and demonstration videos on our youtube.
In addition, VISION factory can provide free samples for you to test, if you need, please contact us immediately, thank you!